/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
If you refer to your business data while travelling or working from your home, or you have multiple users working on the same data regularly, the Virtual Computer Connection can certainly meet such requirements. It serves as a dashboard for connecting to the virtual computer, accessing portals to manage users and accounts, managing data backup, and so on. You can use the virtual computer available on the AWS infrastructure to keep your data and applications and access them when you need.
All you need is to install the Virtual Computer Connection client on a local computer and connect to the virtual computer or connect through a web browser from the Self Service portal to the virtual computer, and get started with TallyPrime.
Install & log in to Virtual Computer Connection: To install the Virtual Computer Connection client, download the installer and install the application on your local computer. Use your login credentials and Secure PIN received via e-mail to log in to the application. Your virtual computer opens instantly.
Access Computer & User Management portal – The Virtual Computer Connection links to a portal (https://ssp.elcom.digital) dedicated for managing users and accounts. Using the portal page, you can not only manage users and accounts, but also manage the backup of your computer data and even upgrade to the latest release of TallyPrime, when available.
Connection Settings – If your business practice follows specific proxy or port settings for Internet connectivity, you can configure the same from the Virtual Computer Connection window.
The Virtual Computer Connection can be easily used from any local computer with the following basic minimum requirements.
A computer with Windows OS installed (Windows 7 and later). In case you have encountered installation failure, refer to the links below to download the supported Microsoft components and install them manually.
Internet connection
Notification e-mail on purchase of the plan
To access your business data and application on the move, you will require to install the Virtual Computer Connection client on your local computer. Through the virtual connection, you can open the virtual computer and use TallyPrime to record your transactions.
Alternatively, you can also access the virtual computer through a web browser from the Self Service portal without having to install a client on your system and use TallyPrime. For more information about connecting to the virtual computer through the portal, refer to the Self Service Portal topic.
In the event that you are unable to install the Virtual Computer Connection client, you can manually install supported Microsoft components for Windows 7. Following the successful installation of all the supported Microsoft components, you can now install the Virtual Computer Connection client.
If you need to uninstall or repair Virtual Computer Connection
The Virtual Computer Connection is the gateway to open your virtual computer that keeps your data and applications. Therefore, you will need to log in to access the virtual connection window. On successful login, connect your virtual computer and access the TallyPrime application.
Note: To start using TallyPrime, you will need to activate your license on TallyPrime on the virtual computer, without the need to use TallyPrime separately on your local computer. At any given point, you can use your license either on your local computer or on the virtual environment.
For more details on using the virtual computer, refer to the topic – Manage Distributed Operations Easily
When you do not want to to use the Virtual Computer Connection window, you can simply log out of the application:
The Virtual Computer Connection client is the dashboard for your virtual machine. You can view all the details of your computer on the homepage of the client, including your office account, account name, plan details, and so on. In case you are connected to more than one office, you will see all of them with the respective computers listed on this application window.
The Your Computer tab displays the following details:
You can connect or disconnect from your computer anytime you need. When you start your virtual machine (also referred to as your virtual office), all the associated computers will get started automatically. Users of the respective computers will only need to login and start working. If the Virtual Computer Connection is idle for 4 hours due to inactivity, you will need to re-login to this application to continue using it.
While you are using the Virtual Computer Connection, you may require to manage your virtual computer and users associated with your virtual machine. Once you login to the portal, you can perform various activities, such as taking data back up, downloading data, adding or editing users, updating TallyPrime application, and so on.
To open the Computer & User Management portal
Refer to the Self Service Portal topic for more information.
To open the Control Centre portal for managing your Tally.NET account
Refer to the Control Centre topic for more details.
You can add multiple users to your office account. The number of active users at a given time will depend on your plan. You can also access the Control Centre portal to manage your Tally.NET accounts and users.
Similar to updating your local computer, you can update the client and your virtual machine whenever an update is available. Besides, configure the proxy and port settings, if needed.
Whenever an update is available for the Virtual Computer Connection or virtual computer, you will see a red dot appearing adjacent to the Update Client option.
Depending on your business practices, you may need to follow certain network protocols – especially the port and proxy settings for your Internet connection.
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Product Plan Subscription | TallyPrime Powered by AWS